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8 Tips to Successfully Set Yourself Up for Finals

Cross the all-nighter off your calendar and give the caffeine a break! We know college finals week can be stressful and send some into a spiral, but with these eight tips to successfully set yourself up for finals you will be able to cut down your study time and keep your mental health intact.

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash.

1.      Know Your Exam Schedule

Before you even begin studying, it’s important to know your exam schedule. Knowing which exams are first can help to create an effective study schedule and ensure you are prioritizing the correct material.

2.     Make a Study Schedule

Once you know your exam schedule, take a moment to create a study schedule to avoid cramming the night before the exam. We recommend breaking up your study schedule into multiple shorter study sessions to improve focus and retention.

3.     Choose the Right Location

Choosing the right location to study is often overlooked. Should you study in the campus library? In a café? Or in a silent room? Choose the right location for your study style and don’t be afraid to change your location as you study for different exams.

4.    Utilize the Resources Available to You

If you are struggling to prepare for an exam, reach out to your resources whether that be a friend in the same class, a professor or someone who has already taken the course. Most college libraries have tutors available in various subject areas or create your own study group to learn the material together!

5.     Test Your Knowledge

As you continue to study, test yourself on what you know. By doing this, you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to focus, rather than repeating the material you already know well. To do this you can use flashcards, ask a friend to quiz you or use practice questions, study guides or textbook quizzes.

6.    Take a Break

Even something as simple as a 10-minute break between study sessions can help decrease stress levels, but don’t use this time to go on TikTok or scroll on Instagram, get outside! Getting fresh air through physical activity can clear your mind, awake your senses, and provide better focus for when you return to your textbook.

7.    Fuel Your Body and Brain Through Food

It’s important to fuel your body and your brain with healthy and nutritious foods daily, especially during finals week. “Brain foods” like avocados, salmon, dark chocolate, nuts, and green veggies will provide you with the nutrients you need to get through the stress of finals week.

8.    Make Sure to Sleep

While making sure to sleep during finals week may be a priority to some, many students will pull all-nighters and over-caffeinate so that they can study more. Not getting a good night’s sleep is detrimental to your mental and physical health. Lack of sleep makes it much harder for your brain to focus as well as retain information. A good night’s sleep, between six to eight hours, will ensure that you are prepared for more studying or a final exam.