The Curator News Feed: December 19, 2014

With Christmas just around the corner, we'd like to highlight some of our favorite holiday reads from the internet this week. We'll show you 18 Instagram accounts that will make you hungry, the A-Z cultural trends to look for in 2015, 23 things you might not know about Love Actually, plus some exciting client reads from around the world.

Ad of the Day: Apple Goes Back 60 Years to Find Its Lovely Holiday Ad for 2014, ADWEEK - "Technologies evolve, but love is timeless. That's the message of Apple's quietly poignant 2014 holiday commercial, which broke Sunday. And indeed, exactly one-half of the ad is about non-Apple tech from 60 years ago—namely, the Voice-O-Graph machine, which allowed people in the 1940s and '50s to record their voice directly to vinyl records."

Amazing. Simple and emotive. Their work is beautiful and so is this spot. - Scott

#illridewithyou: Australians support Muslim neighbors during Sydney hostage crisis, Vox - "As the Sydney hostage crisis continues to unfold, thousands of Australians have joined a spontaneous movement of solidarity with the country's Muslims. Using the hashtag #illridewithyou, people from around the country have offered solidarity (as well as rides) to Muslim Australians who might otherwise feel uncomfortable or unsafe wearing religious garb in public. The hashtag took off, and had been tweeted more than 100,000 times within hours of its first use."

Stuff like this is why we should even have social media in the first place. - Paul

What Happened When I Lived According To The Pinterest Popular Page, Buzzfeed - "As someone who has defended the site against its critics, I decided to dive in to try to find out if its reputation is deserved."

Kind of tempted to try and live via Pinterest for a week..or just actually try some of the s*** I pin! - Chelsey

18 Instagram Accounts You Should Follow In 2015 If You Love Food, Buzzfeed - "Photos so good you'll want to eat your screen."

I'll definitely be adding a few of these accounts to my IG lineup. - Jennifer

A-Z Culture Glossary of 2015: The Trends You Need to Know to be Relevant, Slideshare - "Moving at the speed of culture and staying relevant is challenging for brands and people alike. We all want to be culturally in sync in 2015."

Anonymous apps like Snapchat and Secret, the Beyonce drop, and 2015's color of the year, this list has it all. - Anna

23 Things You Might Not Know About 'Love Actually', Mental Floss - "Christmas is all around us, so come on and let it snow! Let us all gather before the glow of the television and enjoy the smorgasbord of fun, romance, and star power that is 2003's Love Actually. This year, show off to family, friends, and flirtatious co-workers by sharing all these fun facts about the film's making and impact."

It's not the holidays until I've watched "Love Actually" at least 12 times. - Ann Marie

Someone Went From 3.6 Million Instagram Followers To 8 Today. Eight., Elite Daily - "Earlier this week, narcissists around the world were shocked to see their follower counts on Instagram plummet after the company deleted millions of spam accounts."

Justin Bieber just lost 3.5 million Instagram followers, CNN Money - "The "Baby" crooner lost a whopping 3.5 million followers after Instagram purged all the spam and deadweight from its site this week. Fake accounts comprised nearly 15% of Bieber's Instagram following."

Instapurge was very real and this cracks me up. - Chelsey

Client Reads

Top 100 IGCs: #heyswansons, how did you get so good at social media?, Garden Center - "How a hashtag and other unconventional marketing efforts helped Seattle-based Swansons Nursery start real conversations with customers online and increase sales."

Pretty proud of this piece of client coverage (3 months in the making)! - Jennifer

Magical Mystery on the Sea of Cortez, Chicago Tribune - "Some say it's the rugged Sierra de la Giganta mountains that make the magic, rising behind the resort to leave guests gasping for adjectives. Others say it's the divine Mexican cuisine, the best they've ever tasted."

Los Angeles Gift Card #Giveaway: The Shops at Montebello's Countdown to Christmas, That's It Mommy - "The Shops at Montebello in Los Angeles is the place to shop this holiday season. I recently visited for a Christmas shopping spree and here were my 6 favorite stops."

Personal shopping services expand at Fashion Valley, Mission Valley News - "The personal shopping program at Fashion Valley is simple: two hours of complimentary engagement that is prefaced with a “style assessment” customers complete. The personal shoppers can do the shopping for the customer or escort the customer through the stores."





Things We Learned In 2014


#DearSanta: A Social Media Wish List for 2015