Curator News Feed: July 26, 2013

This week’s links are meant for your mesmerizing enjoyment–from a stunning kaleidoscope video to the inside of a meteorite, plus the obvious debate raised over which Ron rules: Team Swanson or Burgundy? Treat yourself with a moment to unwind this weekend with our favorite links.

Credit: NBC

27 Reasons San Diego Just Might Be Heaven on EarthBuzzfeed. Representing my hometown pride this week! For those who have never been to San Diego, possibly including some of my fellow Curators, here's a taste of what makes SD so awesome. After having lived in LA for a decent amount of time and returning home to San Diego, I definitely realize how the culture, vibe and lifestyle of where you grew up can help shape your views and mindset to some extent. You stay classy San Diego! -- Noelle

MirrorcityMashable. If you haven’t yet seen this video making its way around the web, take 4 minutes and enjoy. Part time-lapse, part kaleidoscope, part audio visualizer, Mirrorcity is captivating, and a great example of how old tools (like time lapse and video mirroring) can be made new through new applications. -- Matthew

The 9 Types of Facebook UsersMashable. This infographic by Optify outlines nine different types of Facebook users, including: The Stalker, The Baby Boomer, The Newbie, The Fearful User, The Curator, The Brand Promoter, The Oversharer, The Gamer and The Non-User. I think it's safe to say we can all probably think of people who fall into each of these categories,  and I'd like to think we're all Curators here (we do love a good cat meme), but who knows! What kind of user are you? -- Chelsey

The Art of Managing Creative PeopleNext Big Design. My favorite part of this article is "Creating Healthy Confusion", giving creatives multiple projects at once actually produces better work. -- Kendra

10 Ways to Make Your Office More FunFast Company. At Curator, we're always looking for ways to make our culture unique and fun, so I was curious to read this article as a gauge for our success. Let's see…we're religious about Friday happy hours, we decorate the office for birthdays, some of us have made it to Brooke's spin class, we always keep peanut butter filled pretzels around for snacking, we play games together (Cards Against Humanity), and we've definitely pulled some pranks, mainly screwing up Dan's office. One suggestion I think they could've added is sharing company social media accounts that everyone can contribute to. Overall, I'd say we've done a pretty good job, buuuut there's always room for improvement, like an office dog. :) --Maria

Otherwordly Pics of the Iridescent Universe Inside MeteoritesFast Company. This article caught my eye this week because, shiny things! I went stargazing last weekend and it always reminds me how incredible and mysterious space is. The pictures of the inside of different meteorites may surprise you. -- Megan

Want to build an agency career? Make something., Digiday. In this business, projects can become all-consuming. It’s easy to forget the importance of fueling personal interests outside of work. This is a great reminder on the importance of passion projects, or things people create outside of business, are capturing agency’s attention and, sometimes, leading to a position. As one of the folks interviewed states, “Side projects are a more accurate representation of a candidate’s pure thinking." -- Ann Marie


Buffer: A Great Way To Manage Multiple Twitter Accounts


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