Curator News Feed: June 28, 2013

Summer is in full swing here in Seattle, and this week we're buzzing about clever Guinness ad placements, pantsuits on Twitter, the return of the Twinkie, and even the unthinkable: unplugging from social media. The jury's still out on the likeliness of that last one, but we'll leave it up to you. Enjoy our last links of the week for the month of June, and let us know what you've been reading, too!


Twinkies Are Back! Now What?AdWeek. How do you resurrect a brand from the dead? We’ll find out as Twinkies hit the shelves once again. But, they face one of the biggest challenges of any brand as companies have had the opportunity to introduce alternative products. But, Twinkies may be ready to combat this, starting with a new tagline that plays off of the product’s comeback – “The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever.” Consumers and marketers alike will have to decide in the coming months if the statement is true. – Annie

Are you Really a Ninja? How to Rock Your Twitter Bio as Hard as Hillary Clinton, Fast Company. Writing your own bio can be hard, writing your own bio under 200 characters is quite the task. I'm taking cues from these celebrities on Twitter and starting to re-think my own Twitter bio. – Brooke

'The Great Gatsby' Visual Effects Reel Unveiled, Huffington Post. If you have five minutes, this is a pretty cool video that shows the before and after of where a green screen was used in filming. If you have a couple hours, go see the movie! (Bonus, the Lana Del Rey song from the soundtrack accompanies the reel.) – Chelsey

Guinness Transforms Office Windows Into Pint Glasses, PSFK. Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest ones. Case in point: Grey Group Canada’s use of window stickers and existing blinds to simulate a pint of Guinness. The result: brilliantly integrated advertising at a fraction of the cost. Check out the photos in the link and tell me you’re not thirsty. – Matthew

10 Social Media Mistakes You May Be Making (Because I Did), Marketing Land. I love this post from Courtney Seiter, one of my favorite new social media connections of 2013. In this post, she lays it all on the table — all the mistakes she's made over the years as a social media marketer, and how to avoid them. This post is packed with good information and insights. I promise you'll find something useful in it. – Paul

credit: Humans of New York Facebook page

Humans of New YorkFacebook. At Curator, we believe that brands should be storytellers. Facebook and other forms of social media are the perfect place to start. What began as a photography project has turned into a chronicle of thousands of stories. I love how this captures tiny yet gripping snapshots. Find their website here. – Megan

Brands Celebrate DOMA Ruling on Facebook, TwitterMashable. On the heels of Supreme Court's decision to deem DOMA unconstitutional this week, I thought I'd share the brands that decided to celebrate alongside millions of Americans in this step towards equality. – Maria

How Instagram Almost Ruined My Life, Fast Company. This is an interesting take on how the Instagram phenomenon has, to some extent, prevented people from actually seeing and experiencing life, instead opting to showcase their glossy version of it for all to see. Kind of makes you think— in today's social media-savvy society, how important is it to unplug every once in awhile? Tell us what you think! – Noelle

Dallas Weather, It’s hot here in Dallas! Matthew and I have been tag-teaming the Seattle’s Best Coffee rollout here for two weeks and we’re now 10 of 14 days with 100-degree weather – Dan


Why you should empower your social media managers


Curator News Feed: June 21, 2013