The Curator News Feed: May 2, 2014

So this week, we discovered tiny hamsters eating tiny burritos... need we say more? Read on for that vid plus more finds around the web from a guide to emailing vs. calling, a social experiment involving homeless disguises, and some of the best watering holes to watch Intense Holiday, Commanding Curve, Pablo Del Monte, Harry's Holiday and the rest of the gang race around that Kentucky track. Screen Shot 2014-05-02 at 12.23.35 PM

People Disguised As Homeless Ignored By Loved Ones On Street In Stunning Social Experiment, Huffington Post. Do you think you'd recognize your own family on the street if they were dressed up to look homeless? In this social experiment for the campaign Make Them Visible, a group of individuals walked by their own loved ones.  -- Chelsey

Ad of the Day: BBDO Gets 3 Clients to Make One Autism PSA Unlike Any You've Seen, AdWeek. It's not often you see three mega brands come together for a united campaign. This simple and subtle PSA hits home a big message for Autism Speaks and Autism Awareness Month. Well done Band-Aid, Campbell's and AT&T. -- Chelsey

Stop Sending Emails for Real-Time Requests, Cyrus Stoller. Email has been everyone's first line of communication for years now, but we all know it's not always the most efficient way to get ahold of someone. This post lays out a smart system for deciding which means of communicating to use. The TL;DR version from the link: "If you need something to be done in: 30 minutes: call, two hours: text, today: IM, a day or later: email. -- Paul

Watch A Tiny Hamster Eat A Tiny Burrito, For Your Daily Squeal, Refinery 29. Ok, this is really random. But hey, it's Friday so why not! -- Noelle

Five Destinations for Derby Day Drinking, Seattle Met. Get your mint juleps and fancy hats on, everyone! -- Megan

Teens Are Literally Crawling on the Floor For the New Snapchat, Gawker. This week in what The Kidz are up to: Snapchat introduced a "walkie talkie" video chat feature, and now society is breaking down. One teacher tweeted "In 16 years of teaching I can't think of anything that has ever disrupted my classroom more than today's @snapchat update." So now you know what your teenagers are doing this weekend. -- Paul

Richard Sherman has something to say about cancer & the Swedish Cancer Institute, Swedish Cancer Institute. Richard Sherman took some time to parody himself for this new Swedish Cancer Institute ad. I bet it only took one take. -- Paul


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