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Gatorade's $1.4 million print ad a #winfromwithin

This weekend, I was flipping through Sports Illustrated and stumbled upon a new ad from Gatorade. Appearing on six consecutive right-hand pages, how could I not? And given the fact that the ad was all copy and no images (except the logo), the ad was even more remarkable. At $238,000 (or thereabouts) per page, this $1.4 million ad was a pricy way for Gatorade to engage its audience...and, boy, did it work. The chatter on Twitter featuring the hashtag #winfromwithin is amazing and growing by the minute. People are tweeting pics of themselves at the gym, stories of overcoming adversity, and even pics of the ads themselves. Viewing the stream, you can't help but feel like working out. In many ways, Gatorade has become a curator of motivation.

Pics of all six pages are below, but the text reads as follows: Page 1: Here you'd normally see an ad for the newest apparel that wicks away your sweat. Page 2: On this page you'd likely read about how the latest carbon-fiber racket gives you the advantage. Page 3: Here you'd typically see an ad featuring the newest zero-weight shoes to elevate your game. Page 4: Those alone won't do it. It's up to you. And what's inside you. Page 5: #winfromwithin Page 6: (logo)

That's it. Brilliant execution. A true #winfromwithin for Gatorate. And for those motivated by it.

What do you think about the campaign? How does this measure up to your favorite ads?

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