Curator News Feed: June 7, 2013

What you can learn from our favorite reads this week? Well, you can find out how to properly take your throwback Thursday Instagram photo, discover the best places to eat in Seattle and have your mind blown over a new hybrid pastry, to name a few. Read on to see what else the team was reading and talking about this week!

Where to Eat in Seattle Now, Four Seasons Magazine. Last year we had the pleasure of working with the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver BC for a wine tasting event. Since that time, I’ve received a weekly email, which shares travel content from Four Seasons Magazine. I find that the brand does a beautiful job curating content that offers just the right blend of practical and inspiring information. The “Concierge Recommends” feature always feels like I’m learning a bit of secret insider information. Today’s email contained this piece on “Where to Eat in Seattle Now.” Perfect timing as I make my plans for the weekend. Spinasse for pasta? Don’t mind if I do. – Ann Marie

Where Did Throwback Thursday Come From, Digital Trends. If you keep posting selfies from 12 hours ago and adorning them with the #tbt hashtag, people are going to call you out. Here's how to throwback Thursday like a pro! – Brooke

Photojournalist John H. White on Layoffs 35 Years at Chicago Sun-Times, Marketplace. Last week, the Chicago Sun-Times announced that it was laying off its entire photo department and, instead, would be training its reporters to capture images for their stories via iPhones. While I understand cost-saving measures, photojournalists simply cannot be matched by a smartphone, no matter how many automatic Instagram filters you put on a pic. The quality, the emotion and the depth that a professional adds to a story just can’t be beat. I mean, what would have happened if the Sun-Times went the other direction and laid off all of its reporters and said they’d simply train their photographers to write a some copy?…I mean a picture IS worth 1,000 words. – Dan

Beyond Flat: Six iOS 7 Fixes Apple Needs To Make, Gizmodo. Based on rumors over the past several months, it sounds like Apple is gearing up for a pretty dramatic redesign of iOS, its mobile operating system, with the release of iOS 7. A lot of those rumors have focused on a shift to "flat" design — getting rid of designs that imitate real-world objects (e.g. the yellow-legal-pad look of the Notes native app) in favor of clean, clear typographic representations. Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan, writing for Gizmodo, says that Apple should take it beyond just looks: "Flatness, deep down, is really just a call for designers to think harder about how they use the space of the screen…. [It] isn’t really about sharp corners or shadows—it’s about purity of function." I think Apple needs to hire her. – Paul

Obama's Speechwriter/Stand-Up Comedian Gives a Graduation Speech. Not Surprisingly, It's Badass. Yes, I'm sharing another graduation speech. The title explains what I would say about it—it's badass. Happy Friday! – Maria

7 Types of Facebook Fans, All Facebook. An interesting Infographic on My favorite advice: Don’t feed the troll. It also shares a nice reminder to reward our truly loyal Facebook fans. Since “45% of consumers are more likely to share negative experiences on social media,” we want to make sure we engage with and keep the good ones when we can! Worth a look when you have a few minutes. – Annie

Everything You Need to Know About the Cronut, The Week. In honor of National Doughnut Day and because I’m also a sucker for croissants, it feels only right to share this miraculous new treat – the Cronut. If anyone is in NYC and can send me one (or five) I will be forever grateful! – Chelsey  


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