

What an amazing thing the Seahawks have done for our NW community. How rare it is for a team and its fans to truly come together the way the 12s and Seahawks have. And even more rare for an entire region to bind together around a single entity the way we have with our Champion Seattle Seahawks. A new generation of NW sports fans — those nine- and 10-year-olds playing football at recess — can now believe they are playing in a Super Bowl… and winning.

Curator has partnered with Q13’s Bill Wixey to give back to the Seattle Seahawks directly from the 12th man. Over the next week, share your personal thank you through Instagram and tag with #thankyouseahawks. We will be gathering the images and messages from the site to create a commemorative book to be shared with the Seahawks organization and each of the players. We don’t want our appreciation for a season for the ages to go unnoticed! Download the PDF here and view your fellow 12’s #thankyouseahawks on ThankyouSeahawks.com!



Curator Q&A: Brooke Andersen


Happy Blue Friday!